I will admit, I love reading magazines. I love ones about food, arts and crafts, fashion, travel (the list goes on!). A few things bother me about magazines though. First, that is a lot of paper to waste in one sitting. Most of us can breeze through a mag in less than an hour. Then what? I have a stack of magazines sitting next to my unused tv collecting dust. Second, they cost too much. After paying to subscribe to everything I think I want to read, I have spent well over 100 bucks! Some magazines are realllly expensive. I could always get the fancy online subscriptions, but that means I am still spending money. I have 2 ways to avoid cost and wasting paper!
1) Visit a
Book Store! I know they are now few and far between thanks to many E products on the market (all of which I have yet to cave in and buy). I do however, have a Barnes and Noble down the road that I frequent on a slow Sat. I love just grabbing a stack of mags and walking over to the cafe. I typically bring my own tea and sit sipping while cruising for FREE!! Love it.
2) Go to the
Library! I know some people might think it tacky to read mags at a book store when we have no intent to buy them. I have heard the line, "it's not a rental service". Well,if you feel that way, head to the library! I started doing this when I realized my library let me check out last months magazines. If you don't mind being a little behind on the craft mags, grab last months and see if the circulation desk will let you check them out. Or, just sit in a quiet corner and read all you want! That is what they are there for! Plus some libraries have cafes now too! The first time I saw one I had felt my elementary school teacher breathing down my neck about food or drink in the library, but that shock quickly wore off and I ran out to my car to grab my mug!
Pinterest! I started following my magazines on pinterest and now I can save the recipes I like without having to cut them out or keep a whole magazine for one thing! My vegetarian times subscription will be sad to see me go, but I can still find all the good stuff!
I hope this doesn't seem to long and boring! I am sure some of you feel like I am stating the obvious, but this is for those who always feel like you want to read something yet don't want to subscribe!
Let me know where you go to read your magazines! I'd love to learn new locations to hang out.
Another fun possibility is a
magazine swap!!!! Start moving those old mags you no longer read and get some new goodies for free! Don't forget to invite me! I have a few years worth of Marie Claire and Glamour to get rid of!